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DHI tools Introduction

less than 1 minute read


Recently I found a great open-source tool/library DHI Tools to process the DHI MIKE 21 data file. It contains great Jupyter notebooks as examples. The experience is great and free of charge. It should be known by more engineers who use those software and improve their working flow.

Remote Query User

less than 1 minute read


Today a colleague asked me if I was logging on a workstation remotely when I was not. She got the answer and asked others. I thought there must be a tool or method to check the remote login status without logging in via remote desktop.

Podcasts save you

less than 1 minute read


In my second year of college, I got an iPod Shuffle and happened to open the podcast page in iTunes. I didn’t know what “podcast” mean but I finally downloaded several episodes and listened to them. Not very impressed. I just leave them alone.

Build my website

less than 1 minute read


I bought the domain name on Godaddy in April and tried to deploy wordpress initially and then jekyll on a VPS, but the speed is quite unstable and I abandoned. Eventually I use github pages as a solution.