Podcasts save you

less than 1 minute read


In my second year of college, I got an iPod Shuffle and happened to open the podcast page in iTunes. I didn’t know what “podcast” mean but I finally downloaded several episodes and listened to them. Not very impressed. I just leave them alone.

At 2013, Zhihu, a copycat of Quora, was still a not well-recognized but pretty friendly online community. On it, I saw the IT公论 (IT Public Discussion) and began my journey of podcasts. I listened to the IPN podcasts and subscribed to more podcasts.

A long time passed, I can’t remember how much time I have spent on podcasts. It’s really fun. I highly recommend the Pocket Casts or Castro. These are great apps and give you more freedom compared with the traditional platform as Chinese Lizhi or Ximalaya.

I recommend following podcasts.

Following are in Chinese.

There are many great podcasts.

My pocket casts screenshot