Build my website

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I bought the domain name on Godaddy in April and tried to deploy wordpress initially and then jekyll on a VPS, but the speed is quite unstable and I abandoned. Eventually I use github pages as a solution.

Why building a website or a blog when you can use multiple services instead? I think maybe because I can do it. It is fun to build a blog from scratch and learn from it. Besides, nobody check your content and censor any words or topic. The price of freedom worths.

Thanks for the great firewall, I learned so much network knowledge. Before I became an undergraduate, I found several ways to bypass the “greatwall” in China and at that time Twitter was still available in China. After several years “supervised” learning, I have learned so much knowledge, including but not limited to, on Google App Engine, VPN, Linux, VPS, Shadowsocks(R),V2ray,surge,shadowrocket… It does take a lot of effort to keep pace with the wall but I think it worths.

This website is to record my personal thought and ideas.